i am here to help you get unstuck.

My mission is to help more women be more successful and autonomous through building profitable businesses. I do that by helping you get out of the most common traps that business owners, especially historically excluded women of color business owners, find themselves stuck in. Together we will build your business on three distinct levels:




While most business get stuck spinning their wheels, sometimes for years at a time, you will learn the exact moves to get traction and build toward 6 and 7 figure revenue. You will build a solid foundation toward a real, sustainable business.

By the end of the program you will have a clear road map for moving with purpose and clarity towards a sustainable, profitable and aligned business that you love. No more guessing or throwing spaghetti at the wall.

what is business coaching?

Many people are familiar with life coaching and wonder if business coaching is the same thing. It is not.

While life coaching focuses on asking questions to help the client find their own answers, business coaching is more strategic and prescriptive. You will tap into your intuition, while also being guided toward proven and specific strategies that will grow your business and income. You will also address important money and mindset issues as part of a comprehensive framework.

Business coaching combines business strategy+ money coaching + mindset coaching.

Melisa has a way of making you feel seen in a very direct way. It allows you to step into your power a little more and quiets the second guessing and questioning mind. The tools she gives you are very empowering, and most importantly, they directly relate to you. I highly encourage you to invite Melisa into your world if you are in search of some clarity in your business venture and really, just your overall being. Big thanks to you Melisa for seeing my genius and fostering such a supportive environment. - Teryn T.

start with your design

Not ready to take the full jump into intensive coaching- or maybe you’re most interested in finding out how your Human Design can inform your business?

Start with a 90 minute Human Design + Business Strategy Session.


path finder sessions : Ready to start

How long have you been thinking about starting a business? Or feeling lost and unmotivated,  blaming a lack of clarity for lack of action? 

Often entrepreneurs get stuck in a never ending loop of ideas, quickly followed by reasons they won’t work, or the immediate “but I don’t know how,” and need some outside guidance to point them toward aligned and practical action that gets results. Often this is a form of self-sabotage disguised as doing more research, getting another certification, or waiting for the “Right” idea to present itself. 

In our Path Finder session we will narrow in on what your authentic aligned vision for your life is, based on your values, desires, and unique skill sets, and help you figure out what type of business to start or scale to take concrete steps towards that vision. 

When you know where you’re going, you can start taking steps to get there instead of walking in circles wondering what to do next.

We will co-create an action plan with concrete steps for you to execute, and then schedule a follow up session within two weeks to check in. You will have ongoing text support as you begin to lay the foundations of your next level business, a cheerleader in your court, and clear steps to follow, allowing you to gain momentum and confidence. 

Don't let more months slip away in indecision and anxiety. Make a quantum leap move and kickstart the process of turning your entrepreneurial vision into a thriving reality.

Path Finder Sessions Includes:

  • One 90 minute deep dive coaching session.

  • Action Plan with clear steps to addressing the Strategic, Spiritual and Subconscious layers of building your aligned business. 

  • Up to two weeks of 1:1 asynchronous support. Share your progress as you work through the action plan.

  • One 30 minute follow up session.



the business breakthrough : ready to dive all the way in

Hone in on exactly what the next steps are to take your business to the next level. 1:1 coaching is designed to meet you at YOUR specific level of business and meet your unique challenges and opportunities for growth. Over the course of six months you will take massive action and make lasting shifts toward finally make real progress towards your business goals.

We will create a clear plan of action each month designed just for you to blast past blocks, addressing your business at Strategic, Spiritual and Subconscious levels. You will go from unsure and overwhelmed to confident and clear, and you will have an accountability partner to make sure you stay focused on the most efficient and proven path to success all along the way.

This program is for entrepreneurs who are ready to go all in on the success of their business, but just need the guidance and know how to do it. Whether you’re ready to launch an idea, or have already blazed past six figures on your way to seven.

The Business Breakthrough Includes:

  • Business focused Human Design session to understand your unique energetic design and how it can help you structure your business.

  • Assessment of current business strengths, blocks, and opportunities.

  • Strategy map for the next 12 months of business with checkpoints and tools to self-assess and make CEO decisions.

  • Six one hour coaching sessions (monthly)

  • Guided journal prompts, meditations, and actionable steps addressing the Strategic, Spiritual and Subconscious layers of building your aligned business. 

  • Six months of 1:1 asynchronous support. Never get stuck not knowing what the next right move is again.

  • One 30 minute follow up session to review your roadmap.

  • Payment Plans Available.



Melisa's Business Breakthrough course helped me realize I could focus my work on the things that I actually love doing, and that people are here waiting in line to pay me for those services! The mix between spiritual learning and business practices was right in line with what I was needing, and felt so refreshing, sustainable, and necessary in a landscape of feast or famine culture. - Sophie M.